Industry news

  • City of Rail Transit Industry

    City of Rail Transit Industry

    This year, our city has further optimized and adjusted the existing advantageous industrial chains, clarified the “family background”, improved the promotion mechanism, and established 13 emerging advantageous industrial chains, including advanced rail transit equipment, small and med...
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  • Overview and Development Trends of the Rail Transit Equipment Industry

    Overview and Development Trends of the Rail Transit Equipment Industry

    (1) Overview and Development Trends of the Global Rail Transit Equipment Industry ① With the technological innovation in the global rail transit industry, the global rail transit equipment market has shown a strong growth trend In today’s society, with the rapid development of the social e...
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  • The import and export value of Hunan rail transit equipment increased by 101.2% year-on-year

    The import and export value of Hunan rail transit equipment increased by 101.2% year-on-year

    Changsha Customs recently released statistical data showing that in the first half of the year, the import and export value of Hunan’s rail transit equipment was 750 million yuan, an increase of 101.2% compared to the same period last year, achieving a significant increase. State owned ente...
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