The 2023 China International Rail Transit and Equipment Manufacturing Industry Expo will be held in Zhuzhou from December 8th to 10th.

The 2023 China International Rail Transit and Equipment Manufacturing Industry Expo will be held in Zhuzhou from December 8th to 10th.
The Rail Transit Expo is the only national level international professional exhibition in the field of rail transit equipment manufacturing in China. The theme of this year’s Rail Expo is “Smart Rail, Connected Future”. 447 enterprises have been selected to participate, with a total exhibition area of 54000 square meters. Five major themed exhibitions will be set up, including rail transit equipment manufacturing, key components and raw materials for rail transit, demonstration of Hunan Province’s rail transit achievements, and future rail transit, intelligent system operation and maintenance, and design consulting. The recruitment has been fully completed.
The Rail Transit Expo will invite more than 1200 important guests from domestic and foreign rail transit upstream and downstream enterprises, scientific research institutions, universities and institutes to participate in the exhibition, with an expected audience of about 60000 people. International and domestic industry leaders such as Caterpillar, Corning, and CRRC participated in the exhibition, and more than 300 key enterprises in the upstream, midstream, and downstream of rail transit showcased new technologies, products, and services.
Promote industrial integration, and the Rail Expo empowers enterprises both online and offline. On December 6th, the online exhibition and trade docking conference will take the lead and continue until June 2024. During this period, participating companies can accurately connect with foreign merchants and facilitate trade transactions through online exhibition displays, live streaming, and new product releases.
Plan “1+4+6″ activities for the Rail Expo. “1″, namely the opening ceremony and the World Rail Transit Xiangjiang Forum; “4″, namely the Rail Transit Industry Chain Supply Chain Ecological System Construction Forum, Rail Transit Intelligent Green Development Forum, Rail Transit Industry Innovation Summit Forum, Rail Transit Standardization Development Forum and other four parallel forums; “6″ refers to the supporting activities planned around six aspects: business matching and innovative technology promotion, Sino US rail transit cooperation, development of rail transit equipment for Europe, industrial investment and trade negotiations, integration of industry and talent, and integration of industry, academia, and research.

Post time: Dec-05-2023